An Interview with Cindy Harris

Do you think housework can ever be fun?
Absolutely. Think of it as an art. You're not just scrubbing the floor or polishing silver. You're creating something of beauty, your own sacred space, that all who pass through your doors can see and enjoy. The key is being organized so you don't waste time. Put on your favorite music while you work; it makes housework much more enjoyable.

Are there chores you hate or love? What's your own ‘keeping house’ routine?
Ironing is something I've never done well yet the tips I've learned, which are now in this book, have been enormously helpful. My routine is basic: 'do the worst first,' and 'think tidy, be tidy'; these are mantras I truly live by. They simply work.

Why do you think there's been so much interest in housework over the last few years, with best-selling books and popular TV programs devoted to the subject?
The love of beauty and decorating, with a plethora of television shows to illustrate it, has tapped into a universal desire for a well-kept home. This cannot occur unless we know how to keep such surroundings beautiful and in tip-top shape. These programs always fascinate the viewer because they show the audience how dirt and grime ruin a beautiful arrangement in the kitchen or mar a gleaming staircase. The fast pace of our world makes knowing how to maintain your beautiful surroundings fast a real necessity. Men want to learn, too, because women insist that their significant others know how to keep clean and beautiful homes. The bachelor with a darling pad will win the girl!

What is the most important message that you would like people to take from your book?
Keeping your house, like your life, is a state of mind. The order and simplicity of your home are direct reflections of your mind and emotions. The more organized and tidy you surroundings are, the more and well-balanced you will be in your life.

About the Author